So, what is The Manos Project? Where did this come from? Where am I? Who am I? Why am I still talking? These questions are all very important in relation to The Manos Project; especially the last one.
Well, the idea behind The Manos Project was originally a vague pipe dream dreamt up by yours truly. Being the somewhat psychotic English major that I am, I fantasized about spending time seriously analyzing really mundane aspects of...pretty much anything. I already had a nearly insatiable desire to go to art museums and analyze the crap out of Modernist art. And while I could do this alone, I always preferred to lasso up a friend/acquaintance/person off the street or two to come with me so I could bully them into analyzing bullshit in art with me. "Tell me, what does this mean to you? I mean, really mean? What about that blue bit? And the cow? Is it mooving?" Etc. I decided that I shouldn't just focus on vocalizing my bullshit analyses of art pieces, but should focus on other forms of artistic expression: literature, film, and TV shows. I think I realised this when thinking about the Twilight series one day. I kind of had this inkling to read it (mostly so I could have an accurate argument against it), but I felt that if I did, I would need more. How would I survive the dramatic yet bland prose of Ms. Meyer? Why, I would need to subltely mock her terrible fiction by analyzing really trivial bits of the "saga". (Un)fortunately, I never got around to doing this. The idea was still in mind, however.
It was not until the spring of this year that I found a way for my dream to finally come into fruition. I was watching "Manos": The Hands of Fate (MST3K) with a particularly enlightened bunch of people when I realised this might be the perfect particularly enlightened bunch of people with whom to share my hidden dream. I divulged; it was a hit. And what better way for a bunch of twenty-somethings fresh out of college to spend their time than to start a blog (to ease the sting of unemployment)?
So there it was. The blog, of course, is named after the Plymouth Rock of our collaboration: the worst movie of all time, Manos. Our goal is to bring various arguments on why things are the way they are in terrible literature, film, and television to our (widespread, gigantic, global) audience. This being said, the thing being analyzed does not have to be terrible; or, perhaps more accurately, the thing does not have to be terrible in the eyes of the analyst. (For me, Star Trek TOS (and all of the movies); for Kelsi, MacGyver; etc.)
So, let "Why am I still talking?" be your guide to this blog. Why am I still talking? Why do I care? Why does anyone care? Hey, it doesn't matter! Write it anyway! Read it anyway! Analyze 'til you can't analyze no more. Use what the Good College gave ya.
One last thing: if you want to be a contributor, please contact me. Maybe we can work something out.
Go forth, mis Manos, and write!
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